Incubus Mnemonics is an ambient experiment composed solely from field recordings gathered across the period of a year spent on relation Belgrade (Serbia) - Korčula Island (South Adriatic, Croatia). Sonic contrast of the two 'so close but so far away’ places I considered my domiciles had concrete impact on development of my cognitive memory.
Compositions are conceptualized through equal frequency manipulation carefully builded with artificial reverberation calculations that represent my psychological frame for this occasion. The tone of dark ambience refers to subconscious dynamics operating ‘under the surface’ and in own paste of time. Vast stratum of abstract memory has been approached with the sound and in particular recycled environmental sound as a 'sense' of orientation within the experience of collective interrelatedness.
Ambient on the track Seeding Shadow is built from a single field recording of a bus ride, on the route 26 from Marinkova Bara to King Alexander’s Boulevard in Belgrade.
Released November 11, 2016
Field recordings, lithophone and violin improv sequences, composition as well as editing by Manja Ristić /// Guest performer on the track Miniature for the Moments in Eternal Reverberation is Danish pianist Rune Kaagaard ///